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How to Set Up a Blown Film Machine for PE Film A Step-by-Step Guide


Blown film extrusion is a common process used to produce plastic films, particularly polyethylene (PE) film, which is widely used in packaging. Setting up and calibrating a blown film extrusion machine can be complex, but with careful attention to detail, you can ensure your machine produces high-quality film with the desired thickness, width, and properties. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.

Step 1 Install the Die Head

The die head is a crucial component of the Blown Film Machine. It shapes the melted plastic into a tubular form, which is then inflated to create the film. Follow these steps to install the die head correctly

Secure the Die Head Begin by attaching the die head to the extruder. Ensure that it is tightly secured to prevent any leaks or misalignments.

Alignment Carefully align the die head with the extruder to ensure that the flow of the melted plastic is uniform. Misalignment can lead to uneven film thickness.

Step 2 Adjust the Air Ring

The air ring cools the plastic as it exits the die head, solidifying it into the film. Proper adjustment of the air ring is vital for achieving the desired film quality and thickness

Airflow Adjustment Set the airflow to a level that cools the film evenly. Too much airflow can cause the film to cool too quickly, leading to brittleness, while too little airflow can result in uneven thickness.

Temperature Control Adjust the temperature settings on the air ring to match the specifications for your PE material. Maintaining the correct temperature helps in achieving a consistent film quality.

Note You may need to fine-tune the airflow and temperature during the operation to maintain the desired film properties.

Step 3 Calibrate the Temperature and Speed Controls

Proper calibration of the machine’s temperature and speed controls is essential for producing consistent and high-quality film. Here’s how to do it

Temperature Settings Set the extruder’s temperature controls to the recommended levels for your PE material. This usually involves multiple heating zones, each set to a specific temperature to ensure proper melting and flow.

Speed Controls Adjust the speed at which the plastic is fed through the die. Start with the manufacturer's suggested settings and then tweak them based on the film’s characteristics during the trial run.

Calibration ensures that the film is produced at a consistent rate and quality. Regularly check and adjust these settings as necessary.

Step 4 Test the Blown Film Machine

After setting up the die head, adjusting the air ring, and calibrating the controls, it’s time to test the machine

Trial Run Run a small batch of material through the machine to produce a sample film. Carefully monitor the film as it is produced.

Inspection Check the sample film for the desired thickness, width, and overall quality. Use calipers or micrometers to measure thickness and visually inspect for uniformity and defects.

Adjustments Based on the trial run, make any necessary adjustments to the die head alignment, air ring settings, and temperaturespeed controls.

It may take several iterations of testing and adjusting before the machine is fully calibrated for optimal production.


Setting up a Blown Film Machine for PE film involves meticulous installation, adjustment, and calibration. By carefully following these steps, you can ensure your machine produces high-quality film with the desired properties. Regular maintenance and fine-tuning are also crucial for sustaining production efficiency and film quality over time. With practice and attention to detail, you'll become proficient in managing your blown film extrusion process, ensuring reliable and consistent output for your applications.

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